Remote support¹
With your permission, we can temporarily connect to your computer to help you resolve an issue with your software application or device drivers. To access this service, follow the steps below.
1. Call our support services
Call (800) 225-8979 and dial extension 4 to speak to one of our customer support specialists. The specialist will determine if a remote session is necessary and ask if you'd like to start one. If you choose to proceed, we recommend saving your work and closing unnecessary applications to increase connection speed.
2. Download our remote assistance application
When the specialist asks you to do so, select the download button to download our remote assistance application. When it finishes downloading, select Run. The remote assistance application will run from your web browser's download folder.
3. Provide the ID number
The remote assistance application displays an ID number, which is unique to your computer. The specialist cannot connect to your computer until you provide the number. When you're ready, give the number to the specialist. You will retain control of your computer during the session and can end the remote assistance session at any time by closing the application.
Important legal disclosures and information
1. Remote support services are only available to existing customers with an established gateway account and executed agreement with Tempus Technologies. While Tempus does not charge for remote support services, third party message and data rates may apply to your use of or access to these services, such as fees your internet or wireless carrier may charge you for connection or data usage. Check with your internet or wireless carrier for details regarding your specific internet or wireless plan and any data usage or other charges that may apply.